Saturday, February 23, 2013

Quilts and Blankets

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I had this sudden urge to quilt.
I don't really know how to quilt, but I can sew fabric together that ends up being useful keeping people warm, I guess.

A blanket for a friend:

A blanket for my daughter:
(The picture of Thumbelina - from the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale collection book - is hand-painted using fabric paint.)

A quilt for my daughter, using my old maternity clothes:

A quilt for my son (he was in love with Spongebob at the time) - I actually made this quilt for my daughter to gift to him when she was born, so the new baby was giving him something special.
It was cute because when I told him it was from the baby, he put the blanket on top of her!

A "happy quilt" for my daughter.

A 'happy quilt' - I love the story for this blanket.
I had a friend from church ask me if I wanted to get together for lunch one day - so she could get to know me better. I was going through a hard time in my life, and I hadn't really been outside my house enough to make a lot of friends in the area, so I was excited to make a new friend.
During lunch, we talked and talked and realized we had a lot of similar interests!
It was the best time ever.
Right after lunch, we went straight over to JoAnn fabrics together and picked out a load of happy fabrics together, and got enough fabric for each of us to make our own "happy blankets" - so they would match - because this was a way to brighten my days.
At the time, it was exactly what I needed. 
I put together my quilt as soon as I could, and now even to this day no matter what, if I look at it, it makes me smile.

I made this quilt for my first ever niece. 

I made this quilt for my daughter, before she was born, because I knew she would be a teeny baby on Halloween, and we would probably be going out!

I made this scrap quilt for my daughter, as a tummy time blanket for her when she was a baby.

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